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On The Couch

May 29, 2012

So I had the most brilliant idea over the weekend.

Actually, it was my husband’s idea, but I don’t like to give him too much credit for good ideas or he gets a big head about it, you know?

I mean, who really cares whose idea it was anyway, right? (Unless it was mine, of course.) The point is the idea itself.

So you know we’re doing this whole Project OnTheRead thing. I mean we aren’t doing it, but we’re a part of it since the guy doing it–Carlin Gettliffe–is coming to stay with us really soon. Like TODAY!!!!

So I’ve been talking up this book I chose and how I chose it. And I can’t wait to tell you what the book actually is. In fact, I’m going to do that today! In a special double blog post day, you can find out today (at 5:32pm) what book I chose for Carlin to read while he stays with us.

So then I was thinking all about the fabu discussions we’re going to have about this awesome book, you know? I mean, I think that’s why Carlin’s doing this whole OnTheRead thing to begin with.

Then I got all sad for you, my blog readers, and thought wow, wouldn’t it be so shibumi if you could join in these discussions??

But you know, you’d have to read the book too. And then I thought wait, you should totally read the book too!!! And we can discuss it on the blog!! It’ll be like our own little book club!

See how I’m making this sound like it was all my idea? I’m sneaky like that.

Actually, so far this really was all my idea. Here’s the part that was my husband’s idea. He said that I should do this every month. Except, you know, without the part where a stranger comes to stay with us.

But back to me, then I came up with the name for this club that I’m starting. And yes, it’s sort of an homage to Carlin and his Project OnTheRead–you guessed it, ON THE COUCH!!!! Get it???

Actually, you didn’t really guess it. I mean, it’s right up there in the title of the blog post. But whatever.

Anyway, once I came up with such an awesome book club title, how could I resist doing this?? Even if I didn’t want to do it, I sort of have to.

So once a month-ish, I will pick a book, and then give everyone a week or so to read it, and then we will discuss it on the blog. But from our couches. You know, on the couch.

Just trust me. It’s going to be awesome. Like holy krakatoa awesome.

So the first #OnTheCouch book is the #OnTheRead book and it will be revealed TODAY at 5:32pm.

Are you going to read with us? Do it! Do it!!

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  1. Sounds like a great idea! I just wish my TBR pile wasn’t so huge! 😛

  2. Sold. Won’t be able to participate every week, but I’ll throw everything into it the few times that I can.

    Either way, excited for you guys.

  3. Great idea! Kudos to your husband. And, of course, to you for recognizing the brilliance of his once-a-month suggestion.

    And 5:32 pm? LOL! That’s rather specific.

  4. I’m in. See you at 3:33 my time. I’ve never been one to fight the crowds 🙂

  5. Anonymous permalink

    I love it! I’m in 🙂

  6. This is so cool! How do I get Carlin to come and stay with me??

    • If you’re interested in hosting me, email me at, but please DON’T tell me what book you would recommend (I prefer to have it as a surprise when I arrive).

      He says he loves to wash dishes!! C’mon Jeff(i)e!! Invite him to stay!! Invite him to stay!!!!

      • Joy permalink

        maybe if he is a good houseguest and doesn’t steal anything you should send him our way; except, we already have someone sleeping on the couch saturday. how quickly does he read? we have a dishwasher so maybe if he could just remember to feed the fish we could work something out…

        • Whatever, put her in the baby’s room and put him on the couch. Excellent. He’s coming to you next!

  7. It really depends on the book! But I love book clubs so… probably! It’s a good idea, regardless. SOMEONE will read with you. That’s worth it, I think.

  8. I’ll be watching for the announcement! And I’m uberly (is that a word?) bummed that we have to wait an extra hour . . .

  9. Aurelia Blue permalink

    🙂 Until 5:32………

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